Have a hankering for an almanac? Hanker no further!!

Olde Wyathscope’s Quarterly Concern is a new quarterly almanac from Matt Henshaw (Three Family Portraits, Merry and Bright [both exclusively on Godless.com], Khilljoy Memorial Home in Trigger Warning: Speaking Ill [Madness Heart Press], The Nafallen University Course Catalog [Madness Heart Press]) and Mat Fitzsimmons (The WXXT Program Guide, Devil’s Reign, Sorcerers:Through Dimensions Infinite [Mystic Boxing Commission], among many others).

This unholy alliance has borne creative fruit to amuse and terrify YOU. Each issue contains art and writing by both, laid out in an imagined almanac format. Here you’ll find Weather Forecasts, Horoscopes, Biographies, Trivia, Advice, Advertisements, and much more!

The creators bear no responsibility for strange thoughts and dreams resulting from the reading of this periodical!


You may purchase individual issues per the below (all prices include tax, shipping, and handling):

Tier 1: The Threshold Lurker:

Single Issue – $15.00 USD

Buy 2 or more issues - $13.00 USD a piece

At the Threshold Lurker level, you get the basic issue(s) of Olde Wyathscope’s Quarterly Concern with a note of thanks signed by Henshaw.


Tier 2: The Transdimensional Traveller (LIMITED QUANTITES!)

Single Issue $20.00 USD

Buy 2 or more issues - $17.00 USD a piece

At the Transdimensional Traveller level you get:

The issue(s) of Olde Wyathscope’s Quarterly Concern, with a note of thanks signed by Henshaw, also stamped and embossed!

The CUBELORD chapbook exclusive to the series!

Payment accepted via PayPal to olde.wyathscope@gmail.com – please write to this email address with questions about alternate payment options 

Reasonable requests for lower rates for basic per issue will be entertained! If you don't ask, you don't get!

Electronic copies of the Concern are available for a "Pay What You Like" price- while the Concern is best enjoyed as a physical product, PDFs are also available! Please write to olde.wyathscope@gmail.com to arrange for payment options.

Purchasing copies allow for this endeavor to continue to evolve in year 2!

The Concern is printed in limited quantities, so be sure to purchase yours before they vanish into the aether!

If you are outside the USA, please contact olde.wyathscope@gmail.com to discuss purchase and shipping options

Contact olde.wyathscope@gmail.com for any and all inquiries, and thank you for your support!

